Welcome to the Sustainment Branch, here you will find information regarding our mission, organization, and some of our current initiatives.
Staffed with Marines and civilians, the Sustainment Branch has 4 Sections: Ground Supply (LPS-1), Medical Logistics (LPS-2), Compliance (LPS-3) also known as Field Supply Maintenance Analysis Office + Internal Controls and Audit Readiness) and Operational Contract Support (OCS) (LPS-4). We manage the framework/network/relationship with our partners, including the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), General Support Administration (GSA) and the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD). Current Projects include: Audit Support, Defense Agencies Initiative (DAI) Transition, Supply Chain Digital Twin, Additive Manufacturing, Clothing and Textile Supply Chain Disruption, Garrison Retail Supply Chain and Small Arms Light Weapons Mgt. We're also the Department of Defense Activity Address Code (DODAAC) Manager for the Marine Corps.
I hope that this website will prove useful to members of our logistics community and those interested in learning more about what we do.
For more information, please contact us using the point of contact information. We look forward to hearing from you.
Thank You.